The outline planning approval is for the redevelopment of the existing College buildings to provide a new residential development of up to 72 dwellings, with associated access, landscaping and open space. All matters were reserved apart from means of access.
The decision notice does not explicitly refer to demolition although you could not implement a scheme without the demolition element so it is inherent to the permission and is an integral part of the development proposal. Importantly demolition falls within the definition of development and unless pursued as a separate proposal the demolition of the buildings on site would trigger the pre commencement condition requirements.
There are a number of condition precedents that are integral to the reserved matters which re-affirms that demolition could not be detached from the existing outline planning approval and pursuit of reserved matters.
Also worthy of note is that demolition in advance of a detailed scheme, either via reserved matters or a new detailed application, would affect CIL liability and potentially the opportunity to re-visit vacant building credit.