Is the existing access road which serves the former college capable of being retained and upgraded to adoption standards to service a future development, or will a new road require to be constructed?

We have been advised by Leeds City Council’s Highways Department that an access road will need to be built to adoptable standards, and offered for adoption under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980.

The existing access road was not surveyed as part of the outline application, so it remains unclear whether it can be upgraded in its current form.

We therefore recommend you undertake your own investigations in respect of the existing access road, and make appropriate cost allowances when formulating your bid.

The proposed housing allocation document HG2-43 references a requirement for two access points to service a future development. It states ‘at least two points of vehicular access will be required, the primary access should be from either the A65, A6110 or a modified Horsforth Roundabout and must be complementary to the proposals for the transport improvements…

Please confirm what proposals have been made in respect of a second access.

Leeds City Council has confirmed that reference to the secondary access in the SAP was made in error, and was a change relevant to the site located opposite (HG2-41).

Leeds City Council is proposing to make the following modification to the Site Requirements wording for HG2-43:

“Horsforth roundabout will require alteration to accommodate additional traffic as a result of housing growth. The development will be expected to contribute to the alterations.”

There is therefore no policy requirement for two points of access within the proposed allocation, and the principal access will be required off New Road Side via Calverley Lane.

We are informed this proposed change to the wording is supported by Leeds City Council’s Highways Department. It will be reported to the Inspector as part of proposed modifications to the Local Plan ahead of the public examination.

Please can you provide an update in respect of the ongoing ecology surveys, and the potential impact on development?

The draft updated Phase 1 ecology report will be available shortly. A strategy for further bat survey work, including Tree Assessments for Suitable Roost Potential (Bats), is currently being prepared. All documents will be added to the Data Room once available.

Have any quotes been procured in respect of demolition of the existing buildings that we are able to incorporate within our bid?

We are in the process of obtaining a demolition quote, which will be made available within the Data Room, and can be used when formulating your bid(s).

Please note, the demolition quote will not allow for removal of Asbestos Containing Materials.

Please confirm the bid deadline

The bid deadline has been extended to 12pm, Wednesday 25 April.

Is Calverley Lane adopted all the way up to the point of boundary with the site?

Yes, Calverley Lane is adopted up to the point is meets with the boundary of the subject site.

Has there been any work undertaken on developing a drainage solution for the site, other than that provided within the Flood Risk Assessment?

As the application is outline, the submitted FRA and drainage assessment confirms the site can be drained in principle, but detailed drainage design would need to be agreed through the discharge of planning conditions 11 and 12. No objections were raised from the application consultation process to this approach (LCC Flood Risk Management, the EA and Yorkshire Water).

Does the outline consent grant approval to demolish the existing buildings?

The outline planning approval is for the redevelopment of the existing College buildings to provide a new residential development of up to 72 dwellings, with associated access, landscaping and open space. All matters were reserved apart from means of access.

The decision notice does not explicitly refer to demolition although you could not implement a scheme without the demolition element so it is inherent to the permission and is an integral part of the development proposal. Importantly demolition falls within the definition of development and unless pursued as a separate proposal the demolition of the buildings on site would trigger the pre commencement condition requirements.

There are a number of condition precedents that are integral to the reserved matters which re-affirms that demolition could not be detached from the existing outline planning approval and pursuit of reserved matters.

Also worthy of note is that demolition in advance of a detailed scheme, either via reserved matters or a new detailed application, would affect CIL liability and potentially the opportunity to re-visit vacant building credit.