The Site is currently located within the Green Belt; however it already has a large established “footprint” of development (Lot 1). The redevelopment of Lot 1 for residential use was considered acceptable, in accordance with paragraph 89 of the National Planning Policy Framework. (NPPF).


The Site is well related to the Leeds main urban area, with good access to Horsforth and its services. This includes access to regular bus routes on A65 New Road side and A6120 Ring Road. The site is at low risk of flooding as indicated by the Environment Agency Flood Mapping.


There is approximately 6,800sqm of existing building footprint on the site and approximately 11,000sqm of hard surfacing which is currently used as road, parking and circulation in and around the buildings (The Footprint Land).


The Footprint Land benefits from an Outline Planning Permission for residential development of up to 72 dwellings. Ref 15/02901/OT.


The existing College buildings provide a CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) credit sufficient to ensure a neutral position in respect of LOT 1 - Subject to compliance with the relevant CIL legislation.  The accompanying Section 106 agreement covers the following obligations:

  • Affordable housing – 35% of unit numbers in accordance with current policy requirements.
  • Future management of the retained college sports pitch and open green areas
  • Metrocards and travel plan monitoring fee
  • Training and Employment Initiatives


The college sports pitch referred to above is the existing green area to the north of the existing College building and to the west of the existing access road.  The College has confirmed that this pitch was for their private use only.  The College football team historically used the playing pitch as part of its partnership with Farsley AFC to enable the College to access a higher standard of football league. There is a detached changing room building located immediately to the south of the pitch whcih was proposed to be retained / replaced (so as not to impact on the ability to use the pitch) whilst the Previously Undeveloped Land, of which the pitch forms part, is promoted through the planning framework (Leeds Site Allocations Plan). 


With the closure of the Horsforth Campus and vacation of the site by the College in 2017, the former pitch is now obsolete. In these changed circumstances, the relevance of the clause in Section 106 associated with approval 15/02901/OT should be explored with the Council as part of future enquiries.


Importantly, the adoption of the SAP and consequent allocation of the Previously Undeveloped Land (HG2-43) would remove any requirement with regard to these facilities. The Council has confirmed that the former pitch is not included in the Council's Draft Playing Pitch Strategy and is not identified in the Leeds Open Space Assessment. Other than the current Green Belt allocation, the former pitch is not formally protected and on adoption of the SAP the site will be released from the Green Belt to help meet the future housing target for the North Housing Market area.


We have included in the Data Room, correspondance with the City Council confirming the status of the former sports pitch. 


Planning Policy


The Development Plan


The adopted Leeds Core Strategy contains a review of the saved policies in the Unitary Development Plan Review (UDP). The Site lies within designated Green Belt (policy N33) but is identified as a major developed site (policy GB7).


Leeds Site Allocations Plan (Revised Submission Draft Amendments)


The site was not included in the Leeds Site Allocations Issues and Options Plan (published for consultation June 2013).  However it was included in the Leeds Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update (2014) reference 5009 Horsforth Campus.


WYG made a site representation on behalf of Leeds City College to Leeds City Council to support a Draft Housing Allocation in the emerging Site Allocations Plan DPD in June 2014. The wider site covers an area of 7.8 hectares (19.22 acres) which is suitable for development of up to 206 units. It was confirmed as a proposed housing allocation in the Site Allocations consultation (22nd September to 16th November 2015) following a report “Site Allocation Proposals (Housing & Safeguarded Land)” to Development Plans Panel and Executive Board on 13th January 2015 and 11th February 2015 respectively.


In addition, WYG made further representations to the Site Allocations consultation in November 2015, specifically in respect of the Previously Undeveloped Land (Lot 2), (then allocated for planning delivery as a phase 2 site for delivery to be brought forward as a Phase 1 site to align with Lot 1.  The representations submitted are available within the Data Room. 


As part of Leeds City Council's recent Site Allocations Plan (Revised Submission Draft Amendments) consultation the Previously Undeveloped Land (Lot 2) has been retained as a housing allocation and changed to Phase 1. 


Given the extant Outline Planning Permission in respect of Lot 1, and the recent Site Allocations Plan (Reised Submission Draft Amendments) to include Lot 2 in Phase 1, we are of the opinion that the planning delivery of Lot 2 can realistically be brought forward by implementation of a suitable planning strategy and it is on this basis that proposals are invited.


We have recently engaged positively with the City Council's Cheif Planning Officer in this regard. The advice offered at this stage confirms the Council would be open to further engagement to consider early delivery having regard to the increasing weight attached to the Site Allocations Plan as it progressess towards adoption. A copy of this correspondance is included in the Data Room. 


The above paragraphs represent C&W’s understanding of the Planning status of the site when formulating redevelopment proposals for the site, interested parties must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information and make their own independent enquiries of the Local Planning Authority. The information provide above must not be relied upon by any party submitting an offer for the subject property or for any other purpose.


Existing Built Form 

Illustrative Layout 

Leeds City Council Site Allocation Plan Extract