Town Planning

The Property is located within the jurisdiction of the Brighton and Hove City Council and planning policy includes the saved policies of Local Development Framework (LDF).

The Pelham Street Campus is bordered by the Valley Gardens Conservation Area to the east and the North Laine Conservation Area to the south. There are no listed buildings on the site.

In terms of planning history, an application for the wider Pelham Street Campus was previously submitted for the erection of a 14,237sqm new City College campus and ancillary uses with associated access and development. Due to changes to the CCB’s strategy for the sites, the application was not pursued and was “finally disposed of” on 21 September 2011.

The Proposed Scheme

CCB will be submitting a revised Masterplan for the redevelopment of the Pelham Street Campus, comprising the following key components:

  • New College building comprising 11,800 sqm GIA over 8 storeys; 
  • Student Residential Accommodation (SRA) comprising 442 units of SRA; 
  • Outline permission for Residential comprising 125 flats across four separate blocks, ranging from two to six stories, totalling 7,266 sq m Net Sales Area.

Site B comprises the Residential element of the site. In addition to the 125 flats, the outline planning permission includes 14 surface car parking spaces, a pedestrian access to York Road, and amenity space. The planning application will be submitted in the course of the marketing period, and parties are requested to submit proposals on the basis that the proposed scheme obtains outline planning consent.

Please note that offers conditional on an alternative or detailed planning consent will not be entertained.



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