
Greene & Co

161 Haverstock Hill
Belsize Park

T  020 7483 2551
F  020 7483 2690

Greene & Co, for themselves and the vendors or lessors of this property, whose agents they are give notice that:
i) These particulars set out a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract.
ii) Measurements are given to the following accuracy; rooms are measured to the nearest 90mm and the maximum appropriate measurements are normally given. Rooms of irregular size will be identified in the description or floorplans.
iii) Any mechanical or electrical device has not been tested and cannot be guaranteed. Similarly services have not been tested and cannot be guaranteed.
iv) Some of the photographs taken for this brochure have been taken with a camera using a wide angle lens and are believed to be a fair representation of the property at the time of going
to the market. Neither the vendor, Greene & Co nor any person in the employment of Greene & Co has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.

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