Resolution to Grant Outline Planning Permission (ref: 14/00578/OUT) subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement for a “Development of up to 275 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space, and drainage infrastructure, all matters reserved apart from access) for Land between Burton Road and Moira Road, Shellbrook, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire was made at the planning committee on Tuesday 2nd December 2014 by North West Leicestershire District Council.
The Section 106 Agreement is currently being negotiated, full details are provided in the technical pack on the level of affordable housing required, in addition to contributions towards healthcare, National Forest planting, open space, library, travel and education.
All Section 106 costs and contributions are to be the responsibility of the purchaser upon completion of this transaction. The purchaser is to indemnify the Vendors against any future costs or liabilities.
We politely request that no contact is made with the North West Leicestershire District Council regarding the Section 106 Agreement whilst it is being finalised. Once this has been achieved for further information relating to planning matters please contact:
North West Leicestershire District Council,
Council Offices, Whitwick Road, Coalville,
Leicestershire LE67 3FJ
Tel: 01530 454545