Bonnington Mill Investments


Stafford Park, Liston, Long Melford, Suffolk, CO10 7HU

Proposed regeneration and remediation of the former fragrances and flavours factory, also known as the Bush Boake Allen Factory

Aerial photograph of Stafford Park

Proposed development at Stafford Park, Long Melford for approximately 100 residential units and the change of use of existing buildings to create approximately 22 appartments and a community centre.


Proposals also include demolition of the existing buildings, associated remedial works to decontaminate the land on the application site and on the adjoining licensed landfill site, upgrades to the River Stour and associated infrastructure improvements, landscaping and provision of public open space.


The proposed development site falls within two authorities, Braintree District Council and Babergh District Council. The vast majority of the physical development will occur in the area to the south of the River Stour falling with the Braintree District Council area. Only the retained converted building which is proposed to be used as a community centre is located within Babergh District Council’s area.


The remediation works which are proposed to both the former manufacturing site and the associated former waste treatment to the north of the River Stour within Babergh District Council's area are included within the proposed development. The physical development proposals will fund the remediation works.





Key Contacts

Andrew Hodgson

Associate Director (Planning)

+44 (0) 1223 347 259

Alistair Wood

Director (EIA Manager)

+44 (0) 131 247 3748

Rosanna Metcalfe

Graduate (Planning)

+44 (0) 1223 347 235