
In January 2010, the London Borough of Haringey’s Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission for application HGY/2008/2196, subject to conditions and the signing of a Section 106 Agreement, for the following description of development:

“Demolition of existing building except for the administration building that fronts Coppetts Road; the conversion of the administration building fronting Coppetts Road, and the erection of four two storey houses plus dormers, and four blocks of flats between 2 and 4 stories in height: to provide a total of 55 units with car parking (48 spaces), access roads and landscaping (Revised Scheme).”

Following investigation, we have discovered that on 9 May 2013 the Council formally determined this application as ‘Non Determined’. This means that the Council can no longer grant planning permission or issue a decision notice.

Further information regarding the 2008 application are available on the data room.